Fall Packages
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This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Love La Conner contributed a whooping 434 entries.
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310 N First St.
La Conner, WA 98257
204 Douglas St.
La Conner, WA 98257
16362 Snee Oosh Rd. | La Conner | 360-466-3112 | Book Online
Join the fun and adventure at La Conner RV & Camping Resort. With 111 acres of camping space and a half-mile of saltwater beachfront, this RV campground in Washington offers an ideal location for exploring the Pacific Northwest.
Coming Soon
We love the long days of summer in La Conner! With more daylight hours, there’s more time to play – and in a valley like ours there are so many opportunities! We’re the perfect weekend getaway, we’re the perfect stopping spot if you’re on your boat, if you’re a bicyclist we have amazing places to […]
The 1st annual Rainy Day Arts Festival will take place throughout La Conner on Febraury 4 & 5, 2012. Businesses will host guest artists, live music, hot beverages to keep you warm, special “comfort” menu choices at restaurants, wine tasting, fun decorations to celebrate Rainy Days! Come and stay for the weekend and enjoy the […]
While many people only think of La Conner – and the Skagit Valley – during spring and summer, winter is an absolutely wonderful season to spend time in our valley! Sure … we’re known for our tulips and daffodils, water & boating and shopping. We’re also well known as one of the Northwest’s premier destination […]
Thank you to Leslie Barnes, who recently attended a workshop at Gail Harker Creative Studies Center and wrote this post for Gail’s blog (and is allowing us to share it with our readers as well). We love it when guests come to La Conner and discover how very cool our little corner of the world really is! […]
Take a day-trip through Northwest Washington wine country. If you’re a wine enthusiast, you likely already know that Washington State produces some of the finest wines in the world. And as luck would have it, not only can you taste many of them at our local wine shops, but you can take a tasting tour […]
The Northwest has always been known as a region full of talented brewers. That success continues in La Conner – one of Washington State’s favorite weekend getaway destinations. Skagit County is home to several wonderful micro-breweries including La Conner’s own La Conner Brewing Company. Whether you’re looking for a weekend getaway with friends or a […]
The Town of La Conner provides moorage at Benton, Calhoun and Washington Street end floats. Visitor Moorage is available on a short-term basis to visiting boat owners and charter vessels. No commercial boat access is available. We do not reserve for moorage, however, larger vessels (over 45 feet) should call ahead to verify space availability […]
622 South Second Street La Conner 98257 The Civic Garden Club is a vintage La Conner landmark located on South Second Street, in the heart of La Conner. Built as a Grange Hall, it was the original territorial Courthouse and is now a wonderful location for meetings, weddings, and gatherings of all types. Town of […]
Sylvan Pioneer Park is located at the south end of Town on a wooded hill overlooking the Swinomish Channel. The park has cooking facilities and a covered eating area with tables, benches and restroom facilities. The park also features a bandstand located in a natural amphitheater. The park is easily accessible from the town of […]
104 Commercial La Conner 98257 Maple Hall/Maple Center is a beautiful, modern facility located in the heart of historic downtown La Conner. It is available year-round for weddings, banquets, performing arts events, conferences, retreats, and meetings. A layout of the facility is available to download at the Town of La Conner website. For additional information, […]
The past two weeks I’ve made several different trips from La Conner to I-5 via Conway. And I have loved every single trip! Sure, it’s been windy and it’s been rainy and it’s been gray and overcast. But OH MY GOSH … right now the fields are full of Snow Geese and Trumpeter Swans. And […]
I love this town. I love everything about it. The past month has shown me what a really amazing place it is, and I am so proud that I get to be a part of it. And thankful that I live where I live. The first thing I discovered, back in November, is Arts Alive! […]
Whether you’re newly in love, or celebrating your 50th Valentines day together, we know just what you need … quaint Inns, fabulous food and plenty of time to stroll hand-in-hand. La Conner is Washington State’s most romantic getaway – come celebrate Valentines Day with us this year!
This year’s (2012) Halloween Parade and Trick-or-Treat fun in downtown La Conner begins at 3:30pm. Join us for a really fun, community event! October 31 … otherwise known as Halloween to every kid in America… is already a pretty fun day. First there’s the hunt for the perfect costume, then the parties, then the trick-or-treating […]
I’ve lived in La Conner since 2004. I’ve been coming to La Conner since 1986. And I have a confession to make. I had no idea of the breadth and the depth of the arts community we have here. No. Idea. I knew we had 3 museums, and I knew we had several galleries, and I […]
My husband and I are the owners of a 30’ sailboat. Like many boating couples, the captain of our boat grew up on a boat. He learned how to start, stop, dock, maneuver in tight quarters, set an anchor, snag a buoy, handle strong currents and tide changes – all the things that boaters need […]
A couple of weeks ago I was in downtown La Conner on an absolutely gorgeous summer day, running some errands and doing a little people-watching. When you’re getting to know your community better … like I am … it’s fun to just hang out in town and watch what goes on. It’s also great fun […]
I want to share a letter with you, and then a bit more about the story – because this is the kind of story that makes us locals nod our heads in understanding, and not-so-locals perhaps understand a bit better why we are such a special community. Here is the letter – sent from Joy […]
One of the great things about small communities is that on any given day you’re likely to see the same people out and about. When I was growing up I lived in a small town, and vividly remember the man who wore striped overalls and a straw hat, while riding his blue Schwinn bike all […]
Clearly I am behind the times here in La Conner. My head is in the sand. I am too much work and not enough play. I am – as my Grandmother would say – a girl in need of a party hat. (Her name was Elise Mersereau; she was a Seattle beauty with a twinkle […]
When I lived in the big city, I had a wonderful garden. I could plant anything, and as long as I was diligent about slug control, whatever I planted still looked good several months later. Now that I live in La Conner, I love my new garden even more. My garden is full of lovely, lush […]
This winter, I have had reason to spend a fair amount of time at Balance Point Physical Therapy. I didn’t even know these folks existed – because, after all, I was a tourist. You see, when you think of yourself as a tourist – as I have done for several years now – when you […]
It’s a contest. People take this seriously. There are bragging rights to be had. But before the winner of the Spaghetti Cook-off is announced … those of us on the judging panel (actually an entire auditorium of us) get to sample some rockin’ awesome spaghetti. We tasted 6 different red sauces – made by local […]
While we get our fair share of glorious sunshine in La Conner, this spring has been decidedly wet. It has rained. It has been damp and dark and oh-so gloomy. Spring began in March, sloshed its way through April and dripped into May. But from all of this wetness has come lushness. I can honestly say […]
I am not a good stand-in-line person. Or at least I didn’t used to be. But as I get older, I’ve realized that becoming impatient – which leads to becoming cranky – which leads to all sorts of stress-related cellular changes in my body – doesn’t make the line go faster. Just because I’m tapping my foot and my […]
Today, I went to town. I tried going as a community member, but darn it – I still felt like a tourist. I think I’m going have to work harder at this no-longer-a-tourist thing. But it was so fun! The sidewalks were full of happy, smiling people (many of whom were carrying bags with purchases […]
When my Dad retired from medicine, he and my Mom built a wonderful vacation home, complete with a La Conner zip code. I cannot, for the life of me, remember names, but give me a number and I’m all over it. 98257. Before my folks even had a house attached to their address, which was […]
41020 State Route 20 | Oak Harbor | 360-902-8844 | Book Online
Tillinghast Residences
623 Morris St. | La Conner
360.378.3601 | Book Online