
Jennings Yarn & Needlecrafts | Over 50 Years in La Conner!

The average lifespan of a small business is 8.5 years. Jennings Yarn & Needlepoint will be in business for 50 years in 2022. Christina Jennings took over the reins 35 years ago from her family and her attention to detail and high standards are the keys to this business’s longevity. “I am passionate about what I do, and it’s not ‘just a yarn shop’. Every single item in my shop has been hand-picked by me. I strive to carry only high-quality products that I believe in,” says Christina.

Jennings Yarn and Needlecrafts

512 S. First St. La Conner, WA 98257 360-466-3177

Specializing in quality natural fibers and unique designer yarns.