Join us for our annual Turkey Trot 2013
A favorite event among locals – and Thanksgiving holiday visitors alike – is our annual Turkey Trot 2013. What could be better than going for a run and/or walk first thing on Thanksgiving morning … so that you can justify indulging a little bit more over all the wonderful foods served for Thanksgiving dinner. We think this event is a brilliant idea – and so do our runners and walkers!
Bring your entire family and join us for La Conner’s Turkey Trot 2013 very fun race to support a great cause – this year’s proceeds will benefit the La Conner High School Track Team.
The date is always Thanksgiving day and the race starts at 8:00 a.m. You can register ahead of time (see below for registration forms – be sure to also send in the waiver) or you can register onsite between 7:00 and 7:45a.m. the morning of the race.
The race begins and ends at the La Conner Middle School; 305 N. 6th Street. It’s a 5 k race, with shorter course options for young children. Cost is $15 per racer or $30 per family.
Mark your calendar now, and register today for Turkey Trot 2013!
Registration Form (PLEASE NOTE: The mailing address for the registration form is PO Box 1610, La Conner, WA 98257 – we’ll get it changed on the registration form – but in the meantime we wanted you to have the correct mailing address!)
Waiver (must be signed prior to racing)
Click here to see the Race Route.
Find us on Facebook at La Conner Turkey Trot.
Special thanks to the wonderful folks at Edward Jones for their sponsorship.
Hello – the race times are now posted on the homepage of our website, as well as under the La Conner Blog tab.
Where and when will the results be posted?