La Conner Marina – Certified Clean Marina
As a Certified Clean Marina, La Conner Marina cares about the health of Puget Sound, and works with boat owners and boating visitors to keep the marina waters clean using Best Practices Management (BPM). BPM’s are simple actions that boaters can take to prevent pollution from entering the marina basin.
Below is an abbreviated list of a clean marina BPM’s – our Best Practices document has more information. Feel free to call us anytime if you have questions 360/466-3118. You can also read more on our Rules and Regulations page.
Spills – Clean Marina BPM
- Please report in-water oil or fuel spills immediately.
- Spill kits are located at both wash pads and at the haul-out pier.
- Using detergent or soaps to clean up fuel or oil spills makes recovery nearly impossible.
Boat Washing (in the water) – Clean Marina BPM
- No in-water hull cleaning or work below the water line is allowed. Use the haul-out and upland wash pads for hull cleaning.
- We recommend basking soda and vinegar for washing – or use the smallest amount of phosphate-free and biodegradable and non-toxic soap.
Boat Washing (upland wash pads) – Clean Marina BPM
- Bilge water must be pumped, collected and disposed of properly. No pumping into the marina is allowed.
- Haul-out staff can take up to 5 gallons of bilge water.
Fueling – Clean Marina BPM
- Remember that if you over-fill or top off your tanks, warm weather and direct sunlight can cause expansion, resulting in a fuel-vent spill.
- Always use a vent-spill collector when refueling.
Garbage and Recycling – Clean Marina BPM
- Dispose of all waste in our waste stations – you’ll find stations at the south basin, the marina office, and the north basin haul-out pier. Stations can accept mixed cardboard and paper, cans, plastic and glass, batteries, zincs, used oil, oily rags and used antifreeze.
Being a Certified Clean Marina means a lot to us – it’s important for us to take good care of the water and sea life that we all enjoy as boaters … we encourage you to be an environmentally-friendly boater as well.