MoNA Presents Surge 2018 Running Thru Jan 7th, 2019
October 6, 2018 – January 7, 2019
Cohost: Skagit Climate Science Consortium
Together with the Skagit Climate Science Consortium(SC2), the Museum of Northwest Art will host its third presentation of Surge in the Fall of 2018.
Surge, an exhibition designed to draw attention to climate change and its impact on Northwest’s coastal communities, provides the forum for artists together with environmental researchers and educators to present the public with new perspectives on issues such as flooding, sea level rise and storm surge. The relationships between scientists, artists, educators and community leaders have only strengthened since our first display of Surge, and public interest continues to build.
Artists in Surge:
Suze Woolf
Mary Ashton
Barbara Miller and Dimitri Katsaros
Jazz Morgan
Anna McKee
Lin McJunkin and Ann Vandervelde
Alice Dubiel
Rachel Lodge
Erica Grimm, Tracie Stewart, and Shainagh Anderson
Cynthia Camlin, Heidi Epstein, and Jasmine Valandani
Cara Jaye
Clarissa Callesen
Philip Govedare
Mary Coss
Margot Myers
Scientist collaborators:
Dr. Dave Peterson, Senior Research Biologist, U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station
Dr. Guillaume Mauger, Research Scientist, Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington
Dr. Jon Riedel, Geologist at National Park Service, North Cascades National Park
Roger Fuller, Spatial Ecologist, Huxley College of the Environment, Western Washington University
Dr. Sam Pimental, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Trinity Western University
Dr. Diana Six, Professor of Forest Entmology/Pathology, University of Montana
Larry Wasserman, Fisheries Biologist and Environmental Services Director, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
Dr. Simon Donner, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, The University of British Columbia
Dr. Patrick Tobin, Associate Professor, Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington
Dr. Christopher Harley, Professor, Department of Zoology, The University of British Columbia
Dr. Phil Levin, Professor of Practice, The Nature Conservancy & University of Washington